Read a book

Thorium provides visual reading and audio playback. In order to ensure that you can find your way around the the publication, Thorium also offers many navigation options as well as the possibility to add bookmarks or to search within the publication.

Moving around in a book
Learn how to move with agility thru a book. Fast forward and backward to next or previous chapter, page or content. Navigate thru table of content, landmarks and reference pages.
Where am I?
Know where you are in a book.
Zooming on images
Since 2.3, Thorium has an image zoom feature (epub only). To zoom on an image you can select the image (a magenta focus outline will appear around it) and activate zoom by clicking with the mouse or tapping it with the finger. Access to image zoom via keyboard is currently not possible. If the image is also a link or if the book your read is in a fixed layout format, you will need to hit the Shift key in order to enter the image zoom feature.
Search in a book
You can use Ctrl + F keys to access the search field. Enter your search term. By clicking on the Search button, you get Back and Next buttons to navigate between occurences. The number of matches found is a link that will open a List of results in the right panel. Each match displayed is a link you can Activate to go to the place of the book where the expression you are looking for was found.
Mark a page or a passage
Add a bookmark The bookmark button allows you to add a custom bookmark. A bookmark can be a fixed point or a text selection. Only one fixed point bookmark is possible per page (book pages or calculated pages in case there is not page reference in the book). But you can place as many texte selection bookmark as you want. When you add a Bookmark a notification appears to inform you that the Bookmark was Added or Deleted.
Reading settings
In the reading interface use the Preferences button (): the options are revealed. Reading settings can be saved or reset by using buttons Save and Reset located in the menu Settings, submenu Configuration of the Reading window. Major settings are available for EPUB Reflowable, Fixed Layout EPUBs and PDF formats just don’t allow personalisation of appearance. Most Fixed Layout EPUBs will allow to open Image view for zooming on a page.
Read mathematics
Since 2.3 Thorium Reader supports mathematical formulas in MathML natively thanks to Chromium. MathJax module is incorporated and may be of use for interoperability and accessibility needs. If you make use of the MathJax module you might be interested by MathJax documentation. Previous versions rely on the MathJax module. This last one requires memory resources so it is not automatically activated when you open Thorium. To activate it when reading a book, go to the menu Reading settings, at the bottom of the Display tab you will find a checkbox MathJax.
Text to Speech (TTS)
Text-to-speech functionalities are available only with EPUB and Daisy formats. Text-to-speech is launched using the speaker button in the middle of the toolbar, or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + 2. Play and pause can be controlled with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + 2. The playback position can be moved with Ctrl + 1 and Ctrl + 3 for previous and next respectively. A speed control is available when read aloud is selected, with a range from x0.