Text to Speech (TTS)
Text-to-speech functionalities are available only with EPUB and Daisy formats.
Text-to-speech is launched using the speaker button in the middle of the toolbar, or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + 2.
Play and pause can be controlled with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + 2.
The playback position can be moved with Ctrl + 1 and Ctrl + 3 for previous and next respectively.
A speed control is available when read aloud is selected, with a range from x0.5 to x2.
The current sentence is highlighted in light yellow, and each word spoken is underlined in orange.
Options for TTS
Three options are available in the Settings / Readaloud
- Simplified view auto scrolls text with focus by paragraphe.
- Skippability does not display auxiliary contents authored as footnotes, endnotes, pagebreaks and asides.
- Split text focuses phrase by phrase
Thorium uses the voices from the computer’s operating system, in combination with the language information provided by the book. If you experience problems please check the related FAQ entry I can’t select the adequate voice for read aloud function (TTS).
Thorium 2.3 TTS reads page numbers by default which might result in a too verbose earing experience. The
option in readaloud
parameter does not affect TTS reading as expected. This is fixed in 2.4 alpha continuous test build and will be shipped in 2.4 release.