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Thorium Reader is for everyone, including people who are blind or have other types of visual, cognitive or motor disabilities. The application is compatible with accessible technologies like screen readers, including JAWS, NVDA, Narrator and VoiceOver. It includes a read-aloud feature with visual highlighting. Thorium Reader can be used with the mouse or the keyboard, and keyboard shortcuts are configurable. The display can be customized to meet the needs of users, including colors, text size, spacing, font and layout.

Accessibility information
Accessibility information Currently Thorium displays in the Book information panel, the accessibility information provided by the publisher. Thorium displays this information as it was defined. In case of doubt or complaint, please contact the distributor or the publisher of the file.
Reading with a screen reader
Reading with a screen reader When launching Thorium, if a screen reader is detected, the relative functions are activated. Note that screen readers use a separate buffer to access the HTML content which results in the visual scroll / page offset to be out of sync. In other words, Thorium is generally not aware of the user's current reading location inside the screen reader buffer, unless the screen reader user triggers standard web API events (such as mouse click anywhere in the text, or keyboard tab into focusable HTML elements).
Accessibility policy
EDRLab is a non profit developpement laboratory and places accessibility as a core requirement of it’s actions. That include the developpement of Thorium Reader. However, the core aspect of innovation and experimentation of our work may affect accessibility at some points. Funding limitations may also affect our action and will to provide the best reading experience for all readers. These are the main reasons why we cannot, at this moment, afford a full accessibility testing cycle at each release.

1 - Accessibility information

Accessibility information

Currently Thorium displays in the Book information panel, the accessibility information provided by the publisher. Thorium displays this information as it was defined. In case of doubt or complaint, please contact the distributor or the publisher of the file.

2 - Reading with a screen reader

Reading with a screen reader

When launching Thorium, if a screen reader is detected, the relative functions are activated.

Note that screen readers use a separate buffer to access the HTML content which results in the visual scroll / page offset to be out of sync. In other words, Thorium is generally not aware of the user's current reading location inside the screen reader buffer, unless the screen reader user triggers standard web API events (such as mouse click anywhere in the text, or keyboard tab into focusable HTML elements).

Accessibility features addressed to assistive technologies are strongly affected by the quality of the book files.

Keystrokes common to NVDA and JAWS

(contribution from Prashant Verma, DAISY Consortium)

For reading text, navigating in tables, navigating in the browser window, the insertion key can be replaced by the modifier key of the screen reader (e.g. the Caps Lock key).

Quick keys for navigation

The screen reader must be in navigation or virtual cursor mode.

Next titleH
Next tableT
Next chartG
Next listL
Next form fieldF
List of elementsINSERT + F7 (works regardless of cursor mode)

Use the above keys with the Shift key to move to the previous item.


Previous character
Next character
Previous wordCtrl +
Say Next wordCtrl +
Previous line
Next line
Previous sentenceAlt + (Jaws only)
Next sentenceAlt + (Jaws only)
Read allINSERT +
Announce FontINSERT + F


Cell to the rightAlt + Ctrl +
Cell to the leftAlt + Ctrl +
Cell belowAlt + Ctrl +
Cell aboveAlt + Ctrl +


Because screen readers use a separate buffer to access the HTML content, Thorium is generally not aware of the user's current screen reader reading location.

That affects annotating experience for screen readers users. Workaround is to select and copy the text portion to annotate.

The issue is known and tracked there:Can I highlight or annotate selected content using a screen reader? Issue #2463.

More testing and informations will be provided as soon as we can.

3 - Accessibility policy

EDRLab is a non profit developpement laboratory and places accessibility as a core requirement of it’s actions. That include the developpement of Thorium Reader.

However, the core aspect of innovation and experimentation of our work may affect accessibility at some points. Funding limitations may also affect our action and will to provide the best reading experience for all readers. These are the main reasons why we cannot, at this moment, afford a full accessibility testing cycle at each release.

Any identified blockers are publicly informed and searchable via a dedicated Label Accessibility on our Issue tracker that are treated as priority by the development team.

understanding all and each users’ needs

We capture feedback about customers’ experiences from an accessibility perspective thru different channels: * Developpement Issue tracker dedicated Label Accessibility * Email contact form * Indivdual feedback collected by our members organisations dedicated to serving people with disabilities

Thorium Reader accessibility features are informed

When an accessibility feature is introduced, we make that information public thru

  • the version change log
  • a short mention on the website landing page
  • listed for reference in this website ressources section, accessibility page
  • all accessibility related explanations are available in the documentation, not in a separate chapter or place.

We are maintaining a VPAT (voluntary product accessibility template) for Thorium Reader.

Support for assistive technology

A specific attention is given to non visual access thru screen readers.

As much as possible we intend to maintain a similar access path between visual and non visual access. Whenever necessary, we use dedicated technologies like ARIA-Role.

New functionalities are tested with screen readers.

Accessibility testing

Thorium EPUB accessible reading features are community testing thru